NEO Planner V5.0
- Geo settings -
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NEO Planner
the picture, click on the zone that you want to
be explained:
(not in all browsers available)

Copyright: The parallax comes from Bill Gray's
online FindOrb
These settings are the first step in getting NEO Planner
up and running.
Here you define the
Geo settings data of NEO Planner.
It is important to enter all information very carefully. And remember to set up
your own free account with IP GeoLocation.
Plausibility checks or actions are usually only carried out after leaving the
cursor in the input field.
IAU Observatory Code::
As an example, F51 serves as an observatory site of the IAU.
F51 Pan-STARRS, Haleakala on Maui detected a lot of NEO.
Enter your three-digit IAU code here and place the cursor on another field
or push the TAB key.
You can create as many IAU codes as you want, each one has its own settings area.
If more than one IAU code is created, a selection screen will be displayed when
launching NEO Planner.
Longitude, latitude and altitude:
The position data of the
observatory are determined automatically based on the entered IAU code.
A web
service from Bill Gray's Pluto Project is used for this purpose, which makes
the converted parallax data available via an interface.
The position is displayed in the web
browser via an interface to Google Maps. API Key:
Why is the free API key
required for IP geolocation?
With the help of the key, NEO Planner can determine the necessary geodata for
your location each time it is called.
These include, for example, the times of sunset or noon or midnight of the
current day.
Together with some other individual settings, these data are required to
calculate the observation slot within the observable objects are determined.
So that NEO Planner can always
calculate with the current daily data,
it is absolutely necessary to end NEO
Planner with X after the final end of a session so that all temporary files are
Every NEO Planner user has to
request their own API key.
Enter your API Key of 'Free IP Lookup API and
Accurate IP Location Finder', available on
Create an account and include your API Key:
Pressing the Login IP Geolocation button takes
you to the website to create a free account.
This means that up to a maximum of 1000 accesses to the geodata per day are
possible free of charge,
which of course is never required by the Neo Planner on
this scale.
Load IPGeolocation data:
By pressing the 'Load' button, some
geographic data such as the current local time, local sunset and in UT and
midnight UT are displayed.
The display of the data serves to
verify correct access to IP geolocation.
NEOfixer API Key:
NEO Fixer is optional, can
also be left empty.
The site is:
There you have to register with your IAU code and then, after verification, you
will receive an API code that can be entered in the GEO settings.