NEO Planner V5.0 -
File Structure -
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NEO Planner
the picture, click on the zone that you want to
be explained:
(not in all browsers available)

These settings are the second step
in getting NEO Planner up and running
Here you define
your folder structure of Neo Planner in which all data
for the calculation are saved.
The names of the folders or the drive can be freely
given and should not be changed later.
Don't forget the \ character at the end of the
If you define the folder
structure for the first time, save the settings regardless of changes, please.
Plausibility checks or actions
are usually only carried out after leaving the cursor in the input field.
Enter the drive where all Neo Planner movement
data should be saved.
For information: The base folder for the programs and important master data is
always C: \ neosettings.
Base Folder:
All subfolders and movement
data are saved in the Base Folder. Create a separate base
folder for each new observatory.
Download ephemeris:
During the calculation of the
daily observations, the ephemeris of each object gained from CGI/API queries of the MPC,
JPL Horizon System
or JPL CNEOS Scout are stored in
this folder.
The ephemeris of comets and NEO objects of the day are determined in the EPHEM-Observatory_ #.txt files and
is saved for each calculation.
The EPHEM-NeoName_TimeUT.txt contains the ephemeris of objects from the MPC.
The HORIZON-NeoName_TimeUT.txt contains the ephemeris of objects from the
JPL Horizon System.
The EPHEM-NeocpName_TimeUT.txt
contains the ephemeris of new objects from the NEOCP.
The detailled NEOCP data are not obtained from the MPC pool, but with the help
of JSON-CGI queries from the Scout: NEOCP Hazard Assessment of the JPL.
The reason for using the Scout is to obtain extensive data from the NEOCP
objects, such as Ephemeris and Earth-MOID.
With each recalculation, all
of these files are recreated.
The folder also contains some motion files such as geolocation data, the MPC's
daily asteroid, comet and NEO data, and the observatories' IAU codes.
Download Comet observations:
The Download Comets folder contains all recent
comet observation data available since the MPC was last published.
The MPC usually publishes an M.P.E.C. around the time of
the full moon with the last observations of comets or newly calculated orbital
of comets.
Comet data are now released weekly by the MPC.
In addition, M.P.E.C. of new comets, if meanwhile published. These data serve as the basis
for calculating the currently available comets and their brightnesses.
During the Loading of Comets , two
files are permanently saved for each comet.
The file Cometname.txt contains the raw data from the
Orbits/Observation Database
of the MPC.
The file Cometname_obs.txt contains the information obtained from the raw file
from Vmag, observation time and observatory.
In addition, the ComObservables.txt file is saved in this folder during the
daily calculations.
This includes data such as comet name,
last MPEC, last observation date and the average Vmag of the last 10
With each recalculation, all of these files are recreated.
Download NEOCP observations:
During the daily calculation of the plan, two
files are permanently saved for each
NEOCP object.
The file NEOCPname_orb.txt contains the
last computed orbital elements of an object from the
NEOCP Confirmation Page.
The file NEOCPname_obs.txt contains the
last observations of an object from the
NEOCP Confirmation Page.
Download NEO observations:
During the daily calculation of the plan, two
files are permanently saved for each
NEO object.
The file NEOname.txt contains the raw data from the
Orbits/Observation Database
of the MPC.
The file NEOname_obs.txt contains the information obtained from the raw file
from Vmag, observation time and observatory.
In addition, the dokuneo_date.txt file is saved in this folder during the
last calculations.
This includes data such as NEO name,
# of oppositions, # observations, first observatories,
last observation, the average Vmag of the last 10
the Earth MOID and the orbit type of the object.
This file is created with each calculation and stored daily.
Daily Planning:
In the daily planning folder you will find various files that are directly
related to the planning process.
The file mpcorchestrate_ori.txt is created from the combination of selection,
sorting and preparation of the planning,
which is used as a base file for the scheduling during the revision.
Each planning generates an orchtemplate.txt, which represents the template for
the night session,
which the observer can use to orientate himself to the objects and times that
can be observed for his equipment.
If the programs TheSkyX and Orchestrate are available to the user, orch.txt can
be used as an input file for the automatic telescope control.
In addition, all XML and JSON interface data for N.I.N.A. saved in this folder.
All other files are log files in the planning process.
Daily Planning Archive:
When pressing the 'Save List' button, which is possible in many Windows, hard
copies are saved as .jpg, .txt and .csv files in this folder.
After completing the planning process, it is advisable to manually save the
contents of the Daily Planning folder in the selected archive folder as you
Star catalogues:
Loading the star catalogs is
mandatory for using
Execute Search.
With the help of the Yale Bright Stars, Hipparchus, Tycho and UCAC-3 catalogues,
a realistic representation of the search mosaics can be achieved.
In addition, the star and deepsky catalogs are also required for the S function
in the Revise Window,
in order to display the trace of an object in the calculated period in front of
the star background.
The star catalogs folder can
be located on any drive.