NEO Planner V5.0 - NEODyS-2
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NEODyS-2 statistics of K87 Dettelbach Vineyard Observatory
since 2017
to November 2024:

Only the annual data is displayed here.
Statistics created from the NEODyS-2 data.
The average values of the residuals in R.A. and Decl. + and - are displayed
for each month and year of observation,
as well as the sums of all observations and objects per month and year.
You can use
the <only totals per year> checkbox to choose between displaying with or without
monthly data.
The developers
of the NEODyS-2 pages reload all data daily after the MPC DOU, and all residuals
of all objects are recalculated.
I recommend always pressing the <Load current NEODyS data> button when calling
up the statistics.
you have to expect incorrect residuals on the NEODyS-2 page, which are
eliminated daily but can always reappear.
There is therefore no guarantee that the data will be 100% correctly calculated.
Incorrect residuals affect the average values in the statistics. Therefore, it
is best to ignore inexplicable deviations in the average values.
deviations in the total numbers of observations and objects from the monthly
statistics can also occur.
These are caused by the different MPC/NEODyS data bases and minimal differences
in the calculation of the statistics.
Please ignore these minimal deviations as well.
Copyright: The
data comes from official access to web services from
whose origins are the tireless measurements of dozens of professional and
amateur observatories around the world